Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (OSMTH)


about slideAbout OSMTH

On behalf of our members in some 40 nations worldwide, we welcome you to the website of the best known international Templar Order in the world, and the only Templar Order recognized in Special Consultative Status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council.  

1 Templar Legacy

The medieval Knights Templar, best known to us today as the famed warriors of the Crusades, were a devout military religious Order that uniquely combined the roles of knight and monk in a way the Western medieval world had never seen before.



Membership within the Order is geographically-based, therefore applications of interest from the OSMTH International site are referred on to your closest or most pertinent national Grand Priory.


"Non nobis, Domine,
non nobis,
sed nomini Tuo da gloriam..."
Saturday Prayers
website security

OSMTH Mourns the Passing of Royal Patron Princess Elisabeth

With a heavy heart I write to inform OSMTH members of the death of our Royal Patron, Princess Elisabeth of Ysenburg and Büdingen on 08 August 2024. Please pray for her eternal soul, now resting in the love of our Saviour, and for comfort at this difficult time for her family. Vicar General compiled this Prayer and you will find biographical information by navigating to the Welcome Statements page.



OSMTH Mourns the Passing of Grand Master Emeritus Patrick Rea

The International Chaplain General of OSMTH, Bishop Dr. Munib A. Younan writes: This morning (Saturday 27. July in 2024) at 5.55 am Jerusalem time, Chev Dale Starkes called me to give the blessings for General Patrick Rea as he was dying. With deep sorrow and mourning, I would like to inform you that our Brother Patrick Rea has just passed away this morning Chicago time. Chev Dale, who accompanied Pat to the last minute wrote me, "his transition was peaceful at the end". With tears in my eyes and sorrow in my heart, I am sorry to tell you that our Order has lost a dear brother, a leader, and a believer in God. I am sorry to be the one who is informing you that sad news. I would ask you to hold him in your prayers so that Pat may rest in peace. We also thank the Lord for his rich life and service to humanity. As sad as we are, Pat believed in Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection. May God touch the hearts of all who love Pat and worked with him with the power of Resurrection.

Read the full Prayer offered / BG Chev. Patrick Rea, GCTJ, GMTJ Biography


Given the great importance of this subject to minority faith communities whose human rights are at risk around the world, OSMTH has been greatly pleased to see that, on 14th June 2024, the United Nations issued a briefing on the Progress Report given to the UN Security Council on the implementation of Resolution 2686 on the condemnation of hate speech and the promotion of tolerance and freedom of religion or belief.

OSMTH initiated the original recommendation for such a UN Security Council Resolution, which was then promoted by the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates and unanimously passed by the UN Security Council as Resolution 2686 on 14th June 2023.

Read the full Statement …

International Women’s Day, 8th March 2024

OSMTH celebrates and supports this year’s celebration of the successes of women throughout the world.

Read the OSMTH Press Release.

OSMTH Voices Concern over Rising Violence in the Holy Land

OSMTH registers alarm at the rising numbers of dead and wounded in the continuing conflict in Gaza and Israel and the West Bank. OSMTH calls on all sides involved in the various actions to remember the human cost of violence, especially against children who are the future of humanity.

See the OSMTH Press Release

OSMTH prays for peace in Jerusalem and the Holy Land

Almighty God, the Creator of all, we remind ourselves daily, in our ecumenical Christian and chivalric Order, that the psalmist of old bids us to "Pray for the peace and prosperity of Jerusalem and of all peoples". With broken hearts, bruised bodies, and wounded souls, we come before you, praying for peace to reign in the hearts and minds of all people throughout the whole world.

We remember that we are born of God, redeemed by Jesus Christ, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Help all nations and all peoples to put away the crimes of war, the tyrannies of terror, the battles of bitterness and cruelty of one person to another. Help us to see all people as members of the great family of humanity, under God, in a fellowship of peace; with love one for another in the dignity of the human form you have created.

Lord Jesus, you died in the midst of crisis on Calvary's Hill. You were laid in the Sepulchre of Jerusalem and rose above it all to free us from sin and death. Let us now, as Children of God, Sons and Daughters of Abraham, and People of Faith, be dead to the sins of warfare and cruelty; and let us follow a new life of peace, justice, and unity.

This prayer we offer through Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, and the Author of our Salvation. And to that we say: Amen, Amen, and Amen.


OSMTH has been deeply saddened to learn that the HALO Trust has had to suspend its vital mine and war debris clearance efforts in Nagorno Karabakh, following the recent conflict between Azerbaijani and Armenian forces. OSMTH salutes the courage of the HALO Trust humanitarian relief workers and applauds their determination to return to their life-saving work, if and when local circumstances allow. OSMTH joins its heartfelt prayers with many others around the world who hope that a sustainable peace agreement can be achieved between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as advocated by the United Nations. Read the full crisis statement...

OSMTH Commemorates International Day of the Girl: Annually on October 11

On October 11 UN commemorates the International Day of the Girl (IDG). In these last 11 years, there has been increased attention on issues that matter to girls amongst governments, policymakers and the public, and more opportunities for girls to have their voices heard on the global stage.

The UN Secretary – General Antonio Guterres says: “Now more than ever, we must renew our commitment to work together so that girls enjoy and exercise their rights and can play a full and equal part in their communities and societies. Investing in girls is investing in our common future." Read the complete Press Release...




On 14th June 2023, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2686, which urges the international community to condemn hate speech and extremism and to promote tolerance and freedom of religion or belief.

OSMTH is particularly glad to know that Resolution 2686 is the first UN Security Council Resolution to directly address the persecution of religious minorities and other minority groups that find themselves in conflict settings.

Read the complete announcement.

COVID-19 Questions?

It is our recommendation that you visit the World Health Organization (WHO) Corona Virus/COVID-19 site

OSMTH Condemns vandalism to civilian and military Christian Graves in Jerusalem

OSMTH, the ecumenical Christian NGO, which advocates in the Middle East for Christians at risk, notes with alarm the destruction of graves in the Protestant Cemetery in Mount Zion, Jerusalem. OSMTH notes that both military and civilian graves were damaged in this unwarranted desecration.

OSMTH joins with Archbishop Welby of the Church of England, part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (UK), and Sir Ephraim Mirvis, the Chief Rabbi of the Commonwealth, in calling for further dialogue so that all sacred sites in Israel and the wider Holy Land, whether Christian, Muslim or Jewish, may be left unvandalized and in particular that graves be left undisturbed.

Read the OSMTH Press Release.

OSMTH Statement marking the Funeral of His Holiness Benedict XVI

Today, OSMTH joins Christians around the world in prayer to mark the funeral of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, especially those Catholic members of our Order who are particularly affected by the passing of this great theologian and former leader of over one billion of the world’s population.

Remembering too today that Pope Benedict was not only leader of the Roman Catholic Church, but also of so many of the sui iuris catholic churches where we as an international Templar Order focus our charitable and advocacy work – the Middle East.

Read the OSMTH Press Release.

Remembering Persecuted Christians

+++ OSMTH SUPPORTS RED WEDNESDAY 2022: 23 November 2022

OSMTH joins with churches, governments, and civil society organisations around the world in marking Red Wednesday on 23 November 2022. The colour red recalls our mourning for all Christians who suffer and die for their faithfulness to Christ’s message of peace and love.

Each year the Pontifical Foundation, Aid to the Church in Need, promotes and organises events, information, and prayers for Red Wednesday.

As an interdenominational Christian and chivalric Order, and as an international non-governmental organisation in Special Consultative Relationship with the United Nations ECOSOC, OSMTH has a current policy position to advocate, through United Nations' and other civil society forums, for human rights, with an emphasis on religious freedom, the status of women, and peacebuilding.

OSMTH is therefore honoured to add our prayers and support to Red Wednesday 2022.

For information on Red Wednesday 2022, please read more via this link:
Aid to the Church in Need | Red Wednesday 2022

For information on how Red Wednesday was marked in 2021, please read more via this link:
Red Wednesday 2021 - buildings lit up in honor of persecuted Christians

2022 International Ministerial Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB)

The United Kingdom Government is hosting ministers, delegates, and faith leaders from some 60 nations for this key international conference at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in Westminster, London, on 5th and 6th July 2022. The key strands of the conference will cover:

  • Prevention: early warning, early action
  • Protection: sharing global knowledge, delivering local action
  • Promotion: building FoRB for the future

OSMTH is a Stakeholder Member of the UK FoRB Forum, which provides our Order with opportunities to advance our advocacy work on behalf of persecuted Christians and other faith minorities. In company with some 50 other non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society organisations (CSOs) in the UK FoRB Forum, OSMTH has contributed ideas for the agenda and events of the International Ministerial Conference.

More information, and access to written and video resources, can be found on the official conference website.
Alongside the International Ministerial Conference, the UK FoRB Forum is organising the London 2022 FoRB Fringe Civil Society Programme of events, meetings and exhibitions. The OSMTH Envoy General (OSMTH International Advocacy Officer) will be attending the London 2022 FoRB Fringe. Seminar and meeting subjects include:

  • UN Sustainable Development Goal 10: reduction of inequalities within and among countries
  • Understanding Religious Conflict: Jerusalem’s Holy Places Project
  • An Independent Voice: the unique role of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)
  • UK FoRB Ministerial Prayer Breakfast: keynote speaker - Fiona Bruce MP (UK Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief)
  • Building on Positive Developments in the Middle East and North Africa: acknowledging progress on FoRB and identifying further steps and opportunities
  • Australia: Case Study in protecting religious freedom through domestic legislation

More information, and access to written and video resources, can be found on the London 2022 FoRB Fringe website: Civil Society Programme - International Ministerial London 2022.

OSMTH Grand Commander Message

We are all clearly aware of the conflict which is currently playing out in Ukraine following military action by Russia this week. I write to you today to remind you that both nations are represented within OSMTH by Brothers and Sisters we have come to know over the years. Our immediate thoughts must be to pray that our own knights and dames are protected from harm on either side, and at the same time pray that a speedy diplomatic solution is found to ease tensions in the European east.

I am reminded this week that we Templars are being tested now, as we have often said in the past that we are bridge-builders between nations. Let us hope that all our personal efforts bear fruit and we are able to extend the hand of friendship to both grand priories soon.

What can we do today? Please look for projects that can have an immediate impact, such as those helping the refugees. I have today instructed the Almoner General to make a donation to UNHCR on behalf of OSMTH, and I hope this encourages all OSMTH members to follow this example. Let us not forget that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, was himself a refugee as his parents fled the terror of King Herod.

George MacLean GCSG GCTJ
Grand Commander


OSMTH joins with churches, governments, and civil society organisations around the world in marking Red Wednesday on 24 November 2021. The colour red recalls our mourning for all Christians who suffer and die for their faithfulness to Christ’s message of peace and love. Read the Petition...


Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
31 October – 12 November 2021

As a Non-Governmental Organization in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and committed to support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, OSMTH recognizes the great importance of the COP 26 Conference. Read More...

Day of Prayer

Let us all join as one voice with the World Council of Churches in solemn Templar prayer on, May 7th, a Day of Prayer and Fasting, for the healing of India from the scourges of the Pandemic.

Easter 2021

Chaplain General's Message

Resurrection is the only hope for the entire world
2021 Easter Sermon from Jerusalem
John 20: 1-18
Bishop Dr. Munib Younan, Chaplain General OSMTH

Easter Greetings from the Holy Land

"If we can’t go to the Holy Land, we will bring the Holy Land to us.” Working with Fr. Peter Vasko, the fourth instalment in a series to bring the Holy Land to knights and dames worldwide is now available. This instalment brings Easter greetings to Templars.

Papal Visit to Iraq

OSMTH joins with all people of goodwill in noting the importance of the Papal Visit to Iraq. Read the OSMTH Press Release.

Bring the Holy Land to Templars

"If we can’t go to the Holy Land, we will bring the Holy Land to us.” Because of the pandemic, the annual pilgrimage to the Holy Land for Grand Priory USA knights and dames was cancelled. So, working with Fr. Peter Vasko, the third instalment in a series to bring the Holy Land to knights and dames worldwide is now available.

Please enjoy, "Walk and pray the via Dolorosa", hosted by Fr. Peter Vasko.

May we pray for all the wonderful people, that need our prayers and financial gifts, through the Jerusalem Mite, in the Holy Land during this time of the virus.


OSMTH joins with churches, governments, and civil society organisations around the world in marking Red Wednesday, 25 November 2020.

The colour red recalls our mourning for all Christians who suffer and die for their faithfulness to Christ’s message of peace and love.

OSMTH joins our voice with all people who are praying for suffering and persecuted Christians, and for all those people, of whatever faith, who are suffering discrimination, persecution, or loss of life, on account of their religious beliefs.

Bring the Holy Land to Templars

"If we can’t go to the Holy Land, we will bring the Holy Land to us.” Because of the pandemic, the annual pilgrimage to the Holy Land for Grand Priory USA knights and dames was cancelled. So, working with Fr. Peter Vasko, the first instalment in a series to bring the Holy Land to knights and dames worldwide is now available.

Please enjoy, "The streets of the Old City and the Holy Sepulchre", hosted by Fr. Peter Vasko.

It is a wonderful video and the need for prayers and financial gifts during this sad, Covid-19 pandemic for the people of the Holy Land is great.

To the Citizens of France

On behalf of our entire OSMTH membership, it is with heavy heart that we join with the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, in extending our condolences to you following the attack on Notre Dame, Nice. Read more....

OSMTH Statement

OSMTH is deeply saddened by the renewed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia. On 30 September 2020, the United Nations Security Council called on Armenia and Azerbaijan immediately to cease hostilities. Read more....

Registration & Accreditation Notice:
OSMTH Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani (Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem) is a:
  • ·non-profit & tax-exempt international association registered in Geneva, Switzerland, under Swiss Federal numbers: CH-660.1.972.999-4 & CHE-101.134.939; and a
  • ·non-governmental organization (NGO) accredited in Special Consultative Status to the United Nations Economic & Social Council (UN ECOSOC).
There are more then 1700 groups in the world calling themselves 'Templars' or 'Knights Templar' which is a name they can freely use. OSMTH (Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem) however is not associated with any one of them and our Logos and Coat of Arms are protected by trademark registration. At OSMTH we care about your privacy. In response to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we have reviewed our policies and procedures to ensure that we conduct our operations in line with your fundamental right to have your personal data collected only when, and for as long as necessary and to keep it well protected.


OSMTH’s raison d’etre is expressed through the Brussels Declaration: “Aiding humanity on the pilgrimage through life.”
Vision and Commitment
  • Christian Ethos, Spirituality and Chivalric Values.
  • Domestic Charity and International Humanitarian Aid
  • Human Rights and the respect for Human Diversity
  • Interfaith Dialogue and Bridge-Building

Member Login

If you do not have login credentials, send a request to your Grand Prior who will confirm membership and forward your request to the OSMTH Webmaster: