Friends of the Holy Land is a non-political charity which focuses on encouraging Christians to remain in the land of their birth by supporting them to build resilient and self-sufficient communities, in what can often be a challenging environment. FHL concentrates on a mixture of small immediate relief, and longer term sustainable, projects through a team of locally based lay and clerical professionals who identify and verify those in need.
Please use this link to find further information on the work of Friends of the Holy Land: Key areas of work | Friends of the Holy Land
2022: Friends of the Holy Land – Road to Success Scholarships Program
OSMTH made a donation of 1,000 Euros for FHL’s Road to Success Scholarships Program at the Salesian Technological School in Nazareth to relieve the hardships caused by lack of work for the Christian communities at risk in Israel and the Palestinian Territories.
2022: Friends of the Holy Land – Vocational Training Program
The OSMTH donation of 1,000 Euros was used to support short-term vocational training courses, and other actions, which were designed to improve the employment prospects of the young and the unemployed;
2020: Friends of the Holy Land – Pentecost Challenge Appeal
OSMTH chose to support the FHL Pentecost Challenge Appeal, launched by the Friends of the Holy Land. As a result of the generosity of three long-standing individual supporters of the Friends of the Holy Land, OSMTH’s donation was “match-funded” and thus effectively doubled in value.
OSMTH made a donation of 2,000 Euros to relieve the hardships caused by:
for the Christian communities at risk in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, and which were affected by the COVID 19 coronavirus-related restrictions on travel and social contacts.
Registration & Accreditation Notice: OSMTH Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani (Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem) is a:
There are more then 1700 groups in the world calling themselves 'Templars' or 'Knights Templar' which is a name they can freely use. OSMTH (Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem) however is not associated with any one of them and our Logos and Coat of Arms are protected by trademark registration. | At OSMTH we care about your privacy. In response to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we have reviewed our policies and procedures to ensure that we conduct our operations in line with your fundamental right to have your personal data collected only when, and for as long as necessary and to keep it well protected. |