Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (OSMTH)


about slideAbout OSMTH

On behalf of our members in some 40 nations worldwide, we welcome you to the website of the best known international Templar Order in the world, and the only Templar Order recognized in Special Consultative Status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council.  

1 Templar Legacy

The medieval Knights Templar, best known to us today as the famed warriors of the Crusades, were a devout military religious Order that uniquely combined the roles of knight and monk in a way the Western medieval world had never seen before.



Membership within the Order is geographically-based, therefore applications of interest from the OSMTH International site are referred on to your closest or most pertinent national Grand Priory.


"Non nobis, Domine,
non nobis,
sed nomini Tuo da gloriam..."
Saturday Prayers
website security

Sustainable Development Goals

OSMTH supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted by the Member States of the United Nations in 2015 as part of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The SDGs represent an urgent call for action by all countries, developed and developing, and by civil society organizations, working together in global partnership. The SDGs recognize that the aims of ending poverty and other deprivations need to be pursued alongside strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth, all while tackling climate change and working to preserve the planet’s oceans and forests.

In 2016, the OSMTH Grand Magistral Council agreed to consider the following 8, out of the total 17, UN Sustainable Development Goals as central to OSMTH's international efforts at the United Nations and the UN's various agencies and bodies:



Goal 1 No Poverty:

End poverty in all its forms everywhere.


Goal 2 Zero Hunger:

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.


Goal 3 Good Health & Wellbeing:

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, at all ages. 


Goal 4 Quality Education:

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.


Goal 5 Gender Equality:

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.


Goal 6 Clean Water & Sanitation:

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.


Goal 8 Decent Work & Economic Growth:

Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. 


Goal 16 Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions:

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.


Registration & Accreditation Notice:
OSMTH Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani (Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem) is a:
  • ·non-profit & tax-exempt international association registered in Geneva, Switzerland, under Swiss Federal numbers: CH-660.1.972.999-4 & CHE-101.134.939; and a
  • ·non-governmental organization (NGO) accredited in Special Consultative Status to the United Nations Economic & Social Council (UN ECOSOC).
There are more then 1700 groups in the world calling themselves 'Templars' or 'Knights Templar' which is a name they can freely use. OSMTH (Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem) however is not associated with any one of them and our Logos and Coat of Arms are protected by trademark registration. At OSMTH we care about your privacy. In response to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we have reviewed our policies and procedures to ensure that we conduct our operations in line with your fundamental right to have your personal data collected only when, and for as long as necessary and to keep it well protected.


OSMTH’s raison d’etre is expressed through the Brussels Declaration: “Aiding humanity on the pilgrimage through life.”
Vision and Commitment
  • Christian Ethos, Spirituality and Chivalric Values.
  • Domestic Charity and International Humanitarian Aid
  • Human Rights and the respect for Human Diversity
  • Interfaith Dialogue and Bridge-Building

Member Login

If you do not have login credentials, send a request to your Grand Prior who will confirm membership and forward your request to the OSMTH Webmaster: