Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (OSMTH)


about slideAbout OSMTH

On behalf of our members in some 40 nations worldwide, we welcome you to the website of the best known international Templar Order in the world, and the only Templar Order recognized in Special Consultative Status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council.  

1 Templar Legacy

The medieval Knights Templar, best known to us today as the famed warriors of the Crusades, were a devout military religious Order that uniquely combined the roles of knight and monk in a way the Western medieval world had never seen before.



Membership within the Order is geographically-based, therefore applications of interest from the OSMTH International site are referred on to your closest or most pertinent national Grand Priory.


"Non nobis, Domine,
non nobis,
sed nomini Tuo da gloriam..."
Saturday Prayers
website security

OSMTH Mourns the Passing of Royal Patron Princess Elisabeth

With a heavy heart I write to inform OSMTH members of the death of our Royal Patron, Princess Elisabeth of Ysenburg and Büdingen on 08 August 2024. Please pray for her eternal soul, now resting in the love of our Saviour, and for comfort at this difficult time for her family. Vicar General compiled this Prayer and you will find biographical information by navigating to the Welcome Statements page.



OSMTH Mourns the Passing of Grand Master Emeritus Patrick Rea

The International Chaplain General of OSMTH, Bishop Dr. Munib A. Younan writes: This morning (Saturday 27. July in 2024) at 5.55 am Jerusalem time, Chev Dale Starkes called me to give the blessings for General Patrick Rea as he was dying. With deep sorrow and mourning, I would like to inform you that our Brother Patrick Rea has just passed away this morning Chicago time. Chev Dale, who accompanied Pat to the last minute wrote me, "his transition was peaceful at the end". With tears in my eyes and sorrow in my heart, I am sorry to tell you that our Order has lost a dear brother, a leader, and a believer in God. I am sorry to be the one who is informing you that sad news. I would ask you to hold him in your prayers so that Pat may rest in peace. We also thank the Lord for his rich life and service to humanity. As sad as we are, Pat believed in Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection. May God touch the hearts of all who love Pat and worked with him with the power of Resurrection.

Read the full Prayer offered / BG Chev. Patrick Rea, GCTJ, GMTJ Biography

Ecumenical Prayer Vigil for Peace

On the 24th day of each month, many Christians around the world keep a Prayer Vigil for Peace in Jerusalem, the Holy Land, and the Middle East.

OSMTH offers this prayer:
Heavenly Father we reach out to you with a plea for the Peace of Jerusalem, the center of our faith. May the city be a center of love and peace, where people of all nations can gather together in harmony and respect.

We pray also for all places where terrorism, violence, warfare, and acts of inhumanity are taking place. Guard, protect, direct, and gather us all into one great family; that we may worship you in peace and live together in holy love, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


“Aiding humanity on the pilgrimage through life.”

  • Christian Ethos, Spirituality and Chivalric Values.
  • Domestic Charity and International Humanitarian Aid
  • Human Rights and the respect for Human Diversity
  • Interfaith Dialogue and Bridge-Building

OSMTH in Action

The OSMTH Medal of Valor is awarded to individuals for extraordinary acts of heroism and bravery, in circumstances of personal danger and voluntary risk to their own lives and involving self-sacrifice so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish such individuals above their peers.

This Award has been presented to honor the memory of the American Unknown Soldiers from World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, interred within the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, USA, and in recognition of the ultimate sacrifice made by all the fallen members of the United States’ armed forces that these Unknown Soldiers represent.

The OSMTH Medal of Valor is the highest international award made by the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem – OSMTH, and this is the first ever occasion on which the Medal has been awarded by the Order.

After a solemn wreath-laying, the OSMTH Medal of Valor and the accompanying Certificate and Citation were presented by the Grand Master Colonel Dr David N Appleby and the Chancellor General Brigadier General Baron John T Digilio, GCSG; in the presence of the Royal Patron of the Order, HRH Princess Elisabeth zu Ysenburg und Buedingen.

The Citation declares that: “These American Unknown Soldiers are a perpetual inspiration to our knightly Order ….” since they “…. epitomize the virtues of a ‘true knight’…. by their selfless acts of chivalry, bravery, self-sacrifice, and dedication to the defence of the principle that government of, by, and for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”

On the evening prior to the wreath-laying ceremony the three living Grand Masters, Admiral Jim Carey, Brigadier General Patrick Rea, and current Grand Master Colonel David Appleby were present at a reception in Washington, DC. This was an historic moment for OSMTH.

After Action information. 

Registration Notice:
Sovereign Military Order Temple of Jerusalem (OSMTH) is a United Nations Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) registered in Geneva, Switzerland.
Swiss Federal Registry Number CH-660.1.972.999-4
There are more then 1700 groups in the world calling themselves 'Templars' or 'Knights Templar' which is a name they can freely use. OSMTH (Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem) however is not associated with any one of them and our Logos and Coat of Arms are protected by trademark registration. At OSMTH we care about your privacy. In response to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we have reviewed our policies and procedures to ensure that we conduct our operations in line with your fundamental right to have your personal data collected only when, and for as long as necessary and to keep it well protected.


OSMTH’s raison d’etre is expressed through the Brussels Declaration: “Aiding humanity on the pilgrimage through life.”
Vision and Commitment
  • Christian Ethos, Spirituality and Chivalric Values.
  • Domestic Charity and International Humanitarian Aid
  • Human Rights and the respect for Human Diversity
  • Interfaith Dialogue and Bridge-Building

Member Login

If you do not have login credentials, send a request to your Grand Prior who will confirm membership and forward your request to the OSMTH Webmaster: